Saturday, May 25, 2019

Qualities of a Good Manager

A manager is defines as a person who controls an government or part of an organization. Today, big companies ar searching high and low for a person who is qualified to be a frankish manager. A general manager only takes the responsibility of leading and guiding his employees on a daily basis. However, a good manager ventures into opportunities and bring the best in others.In my opinion, a good manager should be implemented with a few certain qualities. First of all, a manager should flip the quality of intelligence. He or she must prepare themselves with every aspect of knowledge about their work field. This is to overcome the problems that he might face in the future.A company has rules and regulations that the employees have to follow. A good manager should have the quality of obedience. This is because a good manager is an example towards others. He or she must understand that as he leads by example, his employees are likely to follow him. For instance, if a manager always submits his paper works late than his employees will also do the same. This can cause lack of productiveness for the company.The next quality a good manager should have is integrity either towards themselves or others. A good manager should avoid unethical demeanour such as bribery, stealing companys money or even selling confidential information about the company towards the opponent company. A wise man at one time said that a manager is like the base of a tower, if the base is broken, the tower will topple down. A good manager should be honest and trustworthy so that the employees can work together to bring the best in their work.A good manager should also have the quality of caring. A good manager views himself as part of the team and treats his employees with respect. This proves that a good manager should concern about his employees lives, inside and outside the employment but that does not mean, the manager should be bustle into the employees personal business.Last but not least, a good manager should oppose the quality of hard-working. A defective manager occasionally stalling to send his worksheets, does not give full commitment in his work and prefer easy tasks assigned to him. Thomas Edison once said that There is no substitute for hard work. This proves that a good manager should implements hard works in his work in assign to produce outstanding results.In conclusion, a good manager should incorporate with these qualities to perform well in their job. Although nowadays, it seems hard to keep up with these ethics demands but sometimes a person should take big risk to achieve big success.

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